Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Things I Like: One

I am hoping to do a set of my "fav fives" every week, to get me back into this blogging groove.  So here goes!

1.  The Fray - Ungodly Hour
I love this song.  It is so hauntingly pretty.  Give it a listen, you won't regret it.

2.  Pumpkins 
My pinterest is full of pumpkin recipes right now and I am hoping Matt is growing me some.

3.  Pinterest
A virtual bulletin inspiration board.  Really, everything I could say about how wonderful it is has been said.  Check it out, you will not regret it, but you may miss the time that somehow gets pulled in.  Search Geralis to find me, I happen to think I have very good taste.

4.  30 Rock
Andrew and I have been on a 30 Rock binge, and it just keeps getting funnier and funnier.  One quote that every time: "To get through it, I pretended he was a sandwich".  Oh Liz Lemon, you make me laugh.

5.  Mike's Hard Pink Lemonade
Got a few of these when we were in the States for the long weekend.  So good!  and so cheap!

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