Monday, May 30, 2011

Take me home, country roads

So it has been raining a lot here.  We live on gravel.  These two things equal a very dirty car.

However, there is a good ending: it did not rain today or yesterday, so I washed the car today.

Highlight of my day!  I know, I'm easy to please.  Simple pleasures though.  After some hard work painting, it was nice to get something done so quickly.

What's been making you smile this week?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Long live the King!

I've had the chance to go up to the Kingsland Market in Calgary twice now and wanted to share some of the goodies I've discovered.

Early morning drive

Both days started with a yummy pastry (after a very early morning and long drive) from Le Creperie.  When Andrew came he had, and I quote "the best breakfast wrap ever" from the Urban Bistro.  When I went back with Erin, he asked me to have one for him but the pastry won out.  I asked if he would like me to bring one back, but we decided it just wouldn't be the same.

I am not very good at venturing out, so for lunch had a highly recommended crepe that did not disappoint.  The first time, I meant to get a savoury crepe (it was lunch after all) but got sidetracked by the chocolate, strawberries and bananas.  Oops.  Delicious, although I would say that the chocolate got in the way of the flavour of the yummy crepe, and that's saying something!  On round two, I had a delicious basil and such good cheese crepe and it was fabulous.

Erin and I split some of the best gelato we've had (and we've been to Italy - although it was awhile ago so our taste buds might not remember clearly) from the Glowing Hearts Coffee Company.  Indian Chai and Raspberry Lime, I wish I could eat it all day.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for gelati!
The market was full of delicious looking produce and I was also able to sample the sushi and Thai food.  There is a really nice mix of vendors, a plethora of ready to eat foods, lots of samples and SHOCKER, the musicians are not horrible.  That's my kind of market!

Macarons! - this picture really does not capture the cuteness

I can't forget to mention the delicious pies that were the reason for the trip...

What a yummy place!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My apologies...

I've definitely been shirking my blogging duties.   Oops.  What have I been doing instead?  I got a job!  Temporary but a great opportunity, I start this week. 

In the mean time, our basement has been keeping me busy.  We agreed to do some painting for our landlord, and I'll share some (better-quality) after pics soon.  It's been a lot of work, easy in that it is bare, but difficult in that everything was pretty dusty and it's a fairly large space.  Painting is instant gratification though, as soon as the paint starts going on, and it's fun to see the difference.

I'm getting a few other posts together, so there should be a bit happening over here soon.  Also, this weekend officially marks the beginning of wedding season, round two (we went to three within the first four weekends we were home).  There is a bit of travel involved, so that should mean a few stories as well.

Do you need proof?
This is our wedding invitation shelf!
As well, I've been wanting to put together some travel guides about a few of the places we visited.  So those should start happening soon.

Much love and a happy rainy week!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I bought shorts today.

Andrew's response, "They have holes in them"

Well yes dear, but they also cover my WHOLE BUTT, and beggars can't be choosers with shorts these days.

P.S. So glad we can wear shorts again, the weather has been great!