Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wintery weather

Hi everyone,

So we are both officially done our jobs now! On our first day off today, we did some packing. So far, everything has fit in one suitcase, but I am not quite done! We will see how much we have once we are done. It's hard to know how much is too much, and what we will all use. We are trying to take less than we think, but it still piles up to be a lot.

Today was chilly here, making us look forward to Fiji. The frost made everything pretty, so I took a break from packing to take some pictures.

My cute dog, Bob

Anyways, thanks for stopping by! Next post will most likely be from half way across the world.

Monday, October 11, 2010

About us

Hi everyone, thanks for joining us.  As you probably know, we are starting this blog to chronicle our trip.  We're not sure exactly what it will look like or sound like, but hopefully it will be a way to stay in touch with everyone back home and a chance to share some of the fun.

So anyways, at this point, we have less than three weeks until we head off.  We have already moved out of our house, so honestly that was about 75% of what we needed to do!   I (Ger) still need to order some glasses and some good walking shoes (strange, none of mine are all that practical)!  Andrew needs to be vaccinated and there are still those pesky matters of finding a place to stay and jobs.  All in it's time, right?   We are really looking forward to these next few weeks of preparation and to heading off.

We fly out on Oct 30th, and land on Nov 1st in Nadi, Fiji.  We do miss Halloween as we fly, but we think Fiji is worth it!  After a week in Fiji, we will be on our way to Auckland.  It will be nice to relax and hang out on the beach before the busy-ness of getting settled in Auckland, but it is also exciting to think about all of that too.

Well I hope that gives you an idea of what's happening with us.
Much love,
Andrew & Ger